Campus Climate Action Corps

Service Sites:

  • College Campuses
  • Environmental/Climate Action Organizations and Agencies

Service Areas:

  • Bridgeport, Kent, Middletown, New Britain, New Haven

Number of Member Positions & Types:

  • 8 Full-Time (1,700-hour), 8 Half-Time (900-hour) and 24 Minimum-Time (300-hour) Member Positions = 40 Member Positions Total

Member Benefits:

  • Full-Time Service Opportunities, Part-Time Service Opportunities, Living Allowance, Health Insurance, Childcare Assistance, Education Award


Contact Information:

(207) 893-7714

Campus Climate Action Corps Connecticut (CCAC CT), a project of Campus Compact, is an AmeriCorps Connecticut program dedicated to campus-based, community-led climate action. CCAC CT builds the capacity of campuses and their community partners to create change that leads to increased energy efficiency, environmental awareness and improvements for at-risk ecosystems by implementing local solutions for underserved households and communities.

Our teams of AmeriCorps members are focused on supporting campus/community partnerships throughout Connecticut that:

1. Raise awareness and address urgent climate issues in underserved communities
2. Lower energy use and energy costs for low-income households
3. Improve at-risk ecosystems in underserved areas
4. Support and improve green job pathways

Grant Deliverables: Campus Climate Action Corps Connecticut (CCAC CT) will have 40 AmeriCorps members who will host community education events, conduct home energy assessments, implement low-tech home energy interventions, organize community ecosystem health projects, and help implement local climate action plans across Connecticut including Hartford, Fairfield, New London, and New Haven counties. At the end of the first program year, the AmeriCorps members will be responsible for improving higher education/non-profit/government partnerships, affecting behavioral and technical change leading to energy efficiency, and improving at-risk ecosystems for underserved households and communities. In addition, the AmeriCorps members will leverage 224 volunteers who will be engaged in all household/ community projects that increase energy conservation, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance ecosystem health.

Grantee Organization: Campus Compact

AmeriCorps State Federal Award: $461,143

Local Match Investment: $148,179

Match Source(s) Secured: Service Site Fees (CCSU, ECSU, SCSU, UCONN, Wesleyen, University of St. Joseph, Gateway Community College); Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven, Campus Compact

Award Context - 2024-2025 AmeriCorps Connecticut Program Grants: Serve Connecticut is pleased to announce that the following eight AmeriCorps Connecticut programs have been awarded over $3.69 million to engage 335 AmeriCorps members in service across our state!

Updated August 2024